Not for Profit eNews - September 2024
Welcome to the September 2024 edition of Not for Profit eNews
In this edition of eNews we review the findings of the Charity Commission’s inquiry into The Mahfouz Foundation, which highlight the responsibility charity trustees have for safeguarding and correctly applying their charities’ funds.
We also share our insight on the forthcoming VAT changes for independent schools and highlight our upcoming webinar, and review the seven decision-making principles at the center of the Charity Commission’s refreshed CC27 guidance.
Finally, we highlight the ICAEW’s ‘Volunteers’ service for those looking to become a trustee and/or charities in search of a new trustee, as well as our recently relaunched Trustee Hub, aimed at supporting trustees new and old excel in their role.
Volunteer as Trustee
For those unaware, the ICAEW’s “Volunteers” service helps charities advertise for and find chartered accountants to join their trustee boards, and such individuals find the role which will help them ‘give back’ and strengthen the Not for Profit sector.
There are more than 170,000 charities registered with the Charity Commission and more than 900,000 trustees, all of whom need the requisite skills to take leadership responsibility for their charities. In order to help these trustees excel in their roles and fulfil their duties effectively, we have recently relaunched our Trustee Hub, which includes a series of resources and support materials.
Articles from the September 2024 edition

Commission inquiries highlight importance of safeguarding and correctly applying charity funds
In early September 2024, the Charity Commission concluded its almost three-year inquiry into The Mahfouz Foundation.

Riots: letter of support from DCMS Secretary of State
The Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, Rt Hon Lisa Nandy MP, issued a letter of support to the voluntary sector in the wake of the abhorrent riots and unrest which took place across England last month.

Charity Commission guidance: ‘Decision-making for charity trustees (CC27)’ refresh
Early in September 2024, the Charity Commission updated its ‘Decision- making for charity trustees (CC27)’ guidance.

New VAT rules for Private Schools: Key changes and financial implications explained
This insight provides clarity on the changes to the VAT treatment of income earned by private schools and the potential financial implications.