With Rishi Sunak announcing that the country will be going to the polls on 04 July 2024, we highlight in this edition of eNews the campaigning activities and relevant guidance that many charities will need to carefully consider between now and election day.
We also highlight two fundraising matters: the recommendations made by the Fundraising Regulator following its recent investigation into the Penny Appeal, and how they may be of use of other fundraising charities; an update from the Regulator ahead of its release of the new Code of Fundraising Practice in September 2025.
Finally, we summarise a recent research project conducted by Bayes Business School regarding the future of the charity Chair role, highlighting the current challenges and future considerations associated with recruiting, training and retaining a Chairperson.
Articles from the June 2024 edition

What Charities need to know ahead of the general election
With the announcement of a general election on 04 July 2024, many charities will be considering engaging with political parties insofar as it impacts their causes.

Fundraising lessons following recent breach
Following three complaints over a 12-month period from long-term supporters, the Fundraising Regulator have recently concluded its investigation into poverty-relief charity Penny Appeal.

Code of Fundraising Practice: paying fundraisers
A redrafted Code of Fundraising Practice is expected in 2025, but more recently the Fundraising Regulator has said it plans to clarify its requirements around how fundraisers are paid.

Chair of the board: recruitment challenges
According to a new research project run by Bayes Business School’s Centre for Charity Effectiveness, charities are facing recruitment challenges and need to better understand motivations of potential Chairpersons.