MHA | Not for Profit eNews - July 2024
Not for Profit e News July 2024 1

Not for Profit eNews - July 2024

Welcome to the July 2024 edition of Not for Profit eNews

We highlight in this edition of eNews what charity leaders are saying following the Labour Party’s historic win in the general election. The Labour Party had made promises to the Charity sector that charity leaders are now urging the new government to deliver.

We also look into how funders are increasingly reluctant to give to smaller charities on the basis the charity may not survive in the long term, and how this is causing issues for these smaller charities.

We also follow the recent news of how two Trustees have been disqualified from the Captain Tom Foundation.

Finally, we are pleased to announce the recent relaunch of our Trustee Hub, full of free resources and support material to aid Trustees fulfill their duties effectively.

Featured Spotlight On

Charity Trustee Hub

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Not for Profit e News July 2024 5
NfP eNews July 2024 Front Cover

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Not for Profit eNews - July 2024

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