NFP eNews August 2024 Header

Not for Profit eNews - August 2024

Welcome to the August 2024 edition of Not for Profit eNews

In this edition we review the Charity Commission’s inquiry into alleged instances of abuse at Ampleforth College, North Yorkshire, the findings of which highlight the importance of regular governance reviews, safeguarding policies and practices, and understanding the relationship between connected charities.

We also focus on two pieces of new/updated guidance recently issued by the Charity Commission: brand new guidance relating to charity banking, which is designed to help charities facing issues setting up or operating their bank accounts and revised guidance on charity meetings which has been updated, setting out how governing documents should reflect the practicalities of holding video meetings.

We also draw attention to the open letter issued by the Commission to CEOs of Local Authorities in light of a significant increase in the non-compliance of Local Authorities regarding their legal duties as charity Trustees.

We note that Thursday 03 October 2024 marks Gift Aid Awareness Day, and we join the Charity Finance Group in urging charities to spread the #TickTheBox message on social media. Visit their website for access to their social media toolkit.

NfP eNews August 2024 Front Cover

Download a copy of the Not for Profit eNews below:

Not for Profit eNews - August 2024

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