In the Winter edition of FE & HE Digest, we look below at the following topics:
- ESFA Financial Handbook – What to expect
- CC14 – Updated Charity Investment Guidance for trustees.
- Lifelong Learning Bill becomes law.
- FRED82 – Amendments to FRS102.
- Artificial Intelligence: Where does it fit within your organisation and should you have a policy for it.

Articles from the Winter 2023 edition

CC14 – Updated Charity Investment Guidance for trustees
The Charity Commission for England and Wales have recently published updated investment guidance: Investing charity money: a guide for trustees.

Lifelong Learning Bill becomes law
The Lifelong Learning Bill will give adults loans that are worth up to £37,000 which will allow them to pay for full-time courses.

FRED82 – Amendments to FRS102
Financial Reporting Exposure Draft (FRED) number 82 has been released and consulted upon.

Should your organisation have an AI policy?
Are you aware of the extent to which artificial intelligence (AI) is already integrated into our day-to-day experience?