MHA celebrates UN Sustainable Development Goals Flag Day by aligning firm’s ESG strategy

September 25th 2024
Sustainable Building

Accountancy and business advisory firm MHA has signalled its support for the United Nations’ ambition for a prosperous and sustainable global future by aligning its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy with the UN’s globally recognised Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The 17 goals, adopted by all UN member states in 2015, were created as a framework for member nations to work toward global peace and an end to poverty, as well as tackling climate change and preserving oceans and forests by 2030.

The move by MHA to align its own strategy with the UN Sustainable Development Goals coincides with this year’s SDG Flag Day, an initiative first started in the Netherlands in 2020, giving organisations an opportunity to show their support for the SDGs and increase awareness of the goals by raising an SDG flag.

More than 650 UK organisations took part in SDG Flag Day 2023, coordinated by UN Global Caompact Network UK. This year’s event takes place this Wednesday (September 25).

Mark Lumsdon-Taylor, head of sustainability ESG and partner at MHA, said: 

Our company strapline is ‘now, for tomorrow’. This applies to our own business and in the way we partner and collaborate with clients to help them integrate more positive climate actions and improved governance while pursuing economic growth."
MHA has chosen to be active in industries which have the potential to have the biggest impact on the UK’s ability to deliver green growth in line with the UNSDGs: Agribusiness, electric vehicles, education, renewable energy, natural resources, healthcare and not-for-profit among them. Our ESG approach is to ‘deliver a sustainable tomorrow today’.”

Earlier this year, MHA became part of the United Nations Global Compact Network UK, an independent organisation which is aligned with the UN Global Impact, a voluntary initiative based on CEO commitments to align strategies and operations with principles including the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

MHA’s alignment with the UNSDGs has included auditing its own ESG practices. A report on these findings has been published on the MHA website.

The report has also found a wide range of initiatives already aligned with the UNSDG goals, including:

UNSDG Goal 4 - Quality education:

  • MHA’s 1892 Foundation is dedicated to enhancing financial education and improving social mobility by developing work, life, and economic skills.

UNSDG Goal 4 – Gender equality:

  • Female representation at a senior level, with an active Inspire Inclusion programme to provide mentoring opportunities for women.

UNSDG Goal 12 – Responsible consumption and production:

  • MHA aims to become a net zero organisation by 2030 and is actively working towards meaningful carbon reduction to align with the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) accreditation scheme

UNSDG Goal 13 – Climate Action:

  • MHA’s Forest with Ecologi, grows by planting a tree for every new employee, marking growth in the firm and growth for global reforestation efforts

The full report can be found here.

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