Welcome to the latest issue of Tax Refresher, our bi-monthly newsletter for large corporate and international businesses. In this issue, we delve into several crucial developments that are shaping the landscape of taxation and economic policies.
From Transfer Pricing and a Historic Landmark Agreement on International Tax Reform to the latest updates on the Windsor Framework, HMRC Audits, Capital Allowances and HMRC’s Customs Special Procedures, we provide you with valuable insights to help you navigate these complex and ever-evolving tax landscapes. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and immerse yourself in the knowledge that will empower you to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve in the realm of taxation.
We hope you find our newsletter interesting and informative.
In this issue, you’ll find the following key topics:

latest insights and resources including global updates.
Transfer Pricing and a Historic Landmark Agreement on International Tax Reform, Windsor Framework, HMRC Audits, UK Qualifying Asset Holding Companies, Capital Allowances and HMRC’s Customs Special Procedures.
Our experts delve into the latest trends that are impacting global businesses. In this issue, we look at how Digital tax reforms have fraud in their sights and taxing time for short-term tourism operators as ViDA reforms bite.
BEPS 2.0: Latest developments and insights on the two-pillar international tax framework proposed by the OECD.
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Read more Tax Insights

UK Qualifying Asset Holding Companies regime key features
UK qualifying asset holding company key features

Understanding the UK Taxation Landscape in the Metaverse
Tax implications in the Metaverse

What are the chances of HMRC auditing my company?
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) are required, under UK customs legislation, to carry out reviews of international trade activities to ensure that the UK’s borders are working effectively, and the correct taxes are being paid to HM Treasury.

Capital Allowances Claims Under Scrutiny by HMRC
The implementation of the accelerated 130% super deduction and the introduction of 100% full expensing capital allowances have generated significant interest from HMRC.
Get in touch
As ever, if there are any points you wish to discuss further from this issue, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our Corporate Tax team by completing our online enquiry form.