NFP eNews August 2024 5

Regulator Refreshes Meetings Guidance for the Digital Era

· Posted on: August 8th 2024 · read

The outbreak of Covid-19 back in late 2019 resulted in an increased use of video call services for holding online meetings, raising questions as to how charities could appropriately comply with their governing documents, which often did not permit anything other than in-person meetings.

More recently, the Charity Commission has redesigned its Charity meetings (CC48) guidance, stressing that Trustees should make sure any of their charity’s rules around holding meetings are up to date and practical.

The guidance, which relates to all types of charities including membership organisations, as well as different types of meetings such as Trustee meetings and Annual General Meetings, emphasises the importance of complying with a charity’s governing document when holding meetings.

The guidance includes details on how to set out details in a governing document on how to vote, ask questions, join a debate, and confirm whether all meetings are to be held virtually or through a combination of hybrid and virtual meetings.

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This insight was previously published in our Not for Profit August 2024 eNews

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