MHA | Potential removal of fundraising limits associated with…

Potential removal of fundraising limits associated with lotteries

· Posted on: August 8th 2023 · read

Autumn leaves

Society lotteries are able to sell £50m-worth of tickets each year, with a limit of £5m per draw, each with a maximum prize of £500,000.

However, the People’s Postcode Lottery (PPL) believe that this cap is preventing the 20 trusts for which it manages lotteries from raising an additional £198m over the next five years, and so are meeting with the Civil Society Minister, Stuart Andrew, to discuss its removal.

Speaking to sector news outlet Civil Society, the Managing Director of PPL said: “We want ministers to be fully aware of the negative impact their current policy is having on charities and the communities and causes they serve … It is not even clear what the current policy is meant to achieve, and indeed it seems to be pointless. What is clear however is that it is negatively impacting on the finances of many charities.”

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