Welcome to the latest edition of MHA Not for Profit eNews.
In this edition we highlight the consultation on the proposed changes to the Charity Commission’s Annual Return and encourage anyone who uses this facility to engage in the process.
We also give details on the recent VAT judgement in determining whether an activity is a business or non-business activity for VAT purposes. This will be particularly relevant to entities providing nursery and creche facilities and those receiving grants or subsidies.
Articles in this edition:
- Revisions to Annual Return – consultation
- VAT – business and non-business activities
- Safeguarding and protecting people for charities and trustees
- Charity Finance Group launch their new Knowledge Hub
Finally, we have an article focussing on safeguarding following the Charity Commission updating their guidance on what charities should and could be doing to protect individuals with whom they engage and what precautions they should put in place to protect those from abuse and mistreatment.
Find out more
If there are any topics within this edition that you would like to talk to us more about, please do get in touch.