MHA | How age impacts donor activities

How age impacts donor activities

· Posted on: May 22nd 2024 · read

Not for Profit e News May 2024 4

Eden Stanley, the audience-centred strategy agency for the non-profit sector, have performed a survey as part of their Tomorrow’s Donor, Today report. The report delves into what motivates donors by understanding values and causes.

The report identifies five donor types, being:

  1. Protectors Motivated by causes which directly impact them or someone close to them
  2. Believers Motivated by a compelling need they’ve been shown and the belief their donation will make a tangible difference
  3. Pioneers Who see donating as a means of expressing their values or ethics and inspiring others
  4. Responders Spring into action when they see a specific need in their community or in the event of an emergency
  5. Joiners Donate as part of a social activity, to feel part of a group

The report suggests that age plays an important part in determining which of these donor types an individual will be classified, with almost two-thirds of respondents considered Protectors being 50 and over and 70% of Joiners aged between 18 and 39. The report also found that those aged between 18 to 29 were less likely than those 29+ to believe information regarding social causes from social media influencers as opposed to trusting charities.

The report will enable Charities and Fundraisers to understand the different motivations that compel someone to support and donate, which will increase the opportunity to explore new and exciting ways to inspire people to donate. Exploring new avenues to fundraise will give charities the power to respond and survive the adverse challenges that appear in the fundraising space.

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This insight was previously published in our Not for Profit May 2024 eNews

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