MHA | Horizon Scanning Q3 2024 Report - Risks and Regulations for the…

Horizon Scanning Q3 2024 Report - Risks and Regulations for the Financial Services Sector

· Posted on: August 28th 2024 · read

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MHA has recently published its Q3 2024 Horizon Scan. This report offers a comprehensive overview of the evolving risk and regulatory landscape that the UK financial services sector is set to navigate in the coming years. The report extends its view out to Q3 2026, providing a forward-looking perspective on the key challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

The report's strength lies in its meticulous identification of the most pressing regulatory changes and thematic concerns likely to shape the industry's trajectory. It provides a timeline of anticipated regulatory changes in both the UK and the EU, serving as a valuable visual guide for firms seeking to align their strategies with the evolving regulatory environment. The report also delves into seven key regulatory hot topics for 2024, spanning both the banking and investment management sectors. These in-depth analyses equip readers with the insights needed to proactively address the challenges and capitalise on the opportunities presented by these developments.

The report's relevance extends across the financial services sector. For banking professionals, the deep dives into Basel 3.1, the Strong and Simple regulatory framework, and solvent exit planning provide crucial guidance on navigating the complex prudential landscape. Investment management professionals will find the discussions on the Overseas Funds Regime and the future regulatory reporting regime particularly insightful. The report's focus on operational resilience and the Consumer Duty offers valuable insights for professionals across the sector, underscoring the importance of robust risk management and customer-centric practices.

In essence, the Q3 2024 Horizon Scanning Report serves as an indispensable tool for financial services professionals seeking to stay ahead of the curve. Its comprehensive analysis of the evolving risk and regulatory landscape empowers readers to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and seize opportunities in an increasingly complex and dynamic environment. The report's emphasis on key themes such as Basel 3.1, ESG, and technological innovation further enhances its relevance, ensuring that readers across the sector will find it both interesting and useful for their respective work.

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