MHA | Has your legal firm set a robust strategy for 2025?

Has your legal firm set a robust strategy for 2025?

· Posted on: September 9th 2024 · read

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In the face of increasing competition, a battle to attract and retain top talent, advancements in technology, and rising practice expenses, it is more important than ever for legal firms to establish a robust strategic plan. Without a clear and comprehensive strategy, firms risk falling behind in a rapidly evolving market where agility and foresight are key to success.

Recognising the unique challenges faced by medium-sized law firms, our team of professional practices specialists, in collaboration with the Law Society, have developed a comprehensive set of questions that serve as the foundation for a research piece aiming to shape the future of the legal sector.

This research will delve into the key areas that are currently impacting these firms the most, offering a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, including people, technology, property, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria, and finance.

By participating in this survey, you will gain access to a detailed report that not only highlights the key trends influencing the legal sector but also provides actionable insights to help you craft a more effective and forward-looking strategy.

We are also offering an interactive webinar which will serve as an invaluable resource, offering the discussion points, data, and analysis you need to stay ahead of the competition and ensure the long-term success of your firm.

To have your say and be a part of the conversation, complete the survey

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