MHA | Charity Commission’s new digital service for trustees

Charity Commission’s new digital service for trustees

· Posted on: September 14th 2023 · read

Surfing in the water

My Charity Commission Account (MCCA), the Commission’s new digital service for trustees, went live on 31 July and so far over 79,000 charities have successfully set up on the service. Charities must submit any remaining annual returns for 2022 and all annual returns for 2023 onwards through the new service.

However, it has been reported that many customers are experiencing technical issues when setting up their account – namely regarding links received to sign up for an account not working – requiring them to contact the Commission. As a result, the Commission are experiencing high levels of incoming queries, and whilst they are dedicating more staff to address these queries, they acknowledge the inconvenience caused by the delay in accessing support.

Those charities which have not received a link will receive one before their filing deadline.

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