MHA | The key commercial and tax updates for Construction businesses…
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The key commercial and tax updates for Construction businesses in 2021

• 8th Sept 2024 - 1:22am
Join the Corporate Finance and Tax experts from MHA Tait Walker as they explore what Construction businesses need to consider in the changing tax landscape and how to prepare for the sale of a business.
We will be covering:
  • Market Updates – is now a good time to buy or sell?
  • The importance of data in corporate transactions
  • The truth behind the sales process
  • The new IR35 Off Payroll working rules which came into force in April 21
  • CIS – key things to think about
  • VAT – Domestic Reverse Charge and Making Tax Digital
  • R&D, Capital Allowances and other reliefs
  • Recent and proposed tax changes
  • Freeports


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